Newborn Baby Care Class - $200
Newborn Baby Care Class (~5 hours):
   Topics covered during the class include:
Choosing a Pediatrician
Car Seat Choices and Safety
Safe Sleep Environment
Handling Your Newborn
Newborn Care Supplies
Newborn Nail Care
Taking Your Baby's Temperature
Bathing Your Baby
How to Give a Sponge Bath
Tub Bath Safety
Diaper Rash
Diaper Choices (Cloth or Disposable)
Using a Bulb Syringe
Umbilical Cord Stump Care
Circumcision Care
Uncircumcised Penis Care
Infant States
Infant Comfort Techniques
Newborn Hunger Cues
Benefits of Skin-to-Skin Contact
Warning Signs for Baby
Choosing a Childcare Provider